What is Trauma?


„Trauma“ is the Greek word for „wound“, and „psyche“ is the Latin word for „soul“. From the ancient words, we get both the clinical term „psycholofical trauma“ and the poetic term „soul wound.“ The latter term seems to convey much better the deep anquish and suffering so commonly involved in trauma. The pain from these wounds – physical, emotional, or spiritual – can impact every area of human life, and the fallout is often devastating; with shattered world views; a fracture sense of self; loss of trust, security, or meaning: and the list goes on.

The sould wound may occur at any age. For some the trauma starts in childhood, at the hans od abusive caregiver. For others, its not until adulthood that something tears their world apart. When these life shattering events happen, they can affect anything and everything: relationships, work, leisure, finances, physical health, mental health and even the structure of the brain.